[Webinar] Be inspired by Safic-Alcan new eco-designed formulas !

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ChemSpec by Safic-Alcan invites you to make your move towards a more responsible and sustainable cosmetic industry, caring for the beauty and wellness of the planet as well as the people living on it.

Join us on March 29th at 11am EST for an exclusive live webinar in our Parisian laboratory!

Discover our innovative portfolio full of natural and naturally-derived ingredients including upcycled materials and highly sensorial ingredients that meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Take advantage of the expertise of our marketing and technical team and discover our brand new eco-designed formulas using the latest sustainable innovations, including key ingredients from Safic-Alcan's 4 key challenges:

  • Upcycling & Waste Management : including innovative waste-free formulas and a wide range of upcycled and biodegradable ingredients
  • Water Preservation and Blue Beauty :  featuring ingredients where harvesting and manufacturing practices limit the use of water or promote its closed-circuit reuse, creative water-free or solid formulas and a wide range of “Safe Sea” ingredients
  • Science as Key Sustainable Driver : promoting the use of clean-produced synthetics that reduce the depletion of natural resources, multifunctional ingredients to limit the environmental impact of formulas and a wide range of science-derived ingredients (Bio-based, Green Chemistry, ...)
  • Planet & People : where we classify ingredients with a sustainable sourcing for the planet and beneficial to local communities along with responsible labelled ingredients (RSPO, Organic, One voice, Fair Trade...)
New eco-designed formulas

Speaker : Morgian AZMANE “Global Marketing Manager Life Science”

Morgian PP    

Morgian AZMANE, graduated from the Sorbonne University in genetics and biology. Master's degree in MPNC (natural raw materials for cosmetics), delivered by ISIPCA (Institut supérieur international de la parfumerie, des cosmétiques et des arômes) and the University of Versailles.

Since 2018, she provides global support to sales and laboratory teams by creating digital and technical content as well as organizing local and global events to promote qualitative and innovative ingredients for the PersonalCare, Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical markets.


Speaker : Juliette Didelle  “Personal Care Formulator”

Juliette PP

Juliette Didelle, graduated with a degree in Chemistry and Biology from Grenoble University. Master's degree in MPNC (natural raw materials for cosmetics), delivered by ISIPCA (Higher International Institute of Perfumery, Cosmetics and Flavours) and Versailles University.

Juliette is in charge of developing new innovative formulas for Safic-Alcan's international subsidiaries since 2020.

Join the movement and make a move together towards a better future! Register now and get your direct access to this session and receive our “Care for The Future” formulation booklet : your complete sustainable kit !

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