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Our People : Claire CHARLOT

Meet Claire CHARLOT, our Deputy Director from the Rubber Department as she shares her journey so far at Safic-Alcan as well as her love for running.

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Our People : Elodie PERENNÈS

Meet Elodie PERENNÈS, our Application Lab Manager from the Cosmetics Department as she shares her journey so far at Safic-Alcan as well as her love for different sports.

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From Nature to Lab: Unveiling the Secrets of Next-Generation Green Ingredient Production

For many years, the cosmetics industry has favored ingredients of natural origin to meet the growing demand for more environmentally-friendly products. However, the collection of raw materials...

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Embracing Minimalism ingredients: The shift towards a “less is more” philosophy

In a world overwhelmed by an abundance of products and information, many individuals are seeking a simpler, more mindful approach to personal care. The minimalist movement has transcended various...

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Beauty Through Science: Technology Taking the Lead

The beauty industry is taking a giant leap forward with advancements in technology. According to a report by Research and Markets, the smart beauty market is expected to reach $12 billion by 2024,...

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