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Our People : Luc Nonneman

Meet Luc Nonneman, our Product Manager, who shares his journey so far at Safic-Alcan, as well as his approach to building trust with the team and partners.

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Our People : Bernat Caba

Meet Bernat Caba, our Rubber Business Manager, who shares his journey so far at Safic-Alcan, as well as his approach to building trust with the team and partners.

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Our People : Van Linh Dang

Meet Van Linh Dang, our Business Director of Performance Products department.

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Decoding Carbon Black and Its Crucial Role in the Rubber Industry

Explore the evolution of carbon black, from ancient pigments to modern engineering, and understand its crucial role in rubber compounding. Discover diverse manufacturing processes, key properties,...

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Our People : Laura MAMECIER

Meet Laura MAMECIER, our Sales & Marketing Director for Pharmacy, Nutrition & Health, as she unfolds her professional journey at Safic-Alcan and shares her passion for sports.

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