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Safic-Alcan releases its 2020 Sustainability Report

22nd of July 2021

Safic-Alcan, a global specialty chemicals distributor, is pleased to publish its second Sustainability report “The Durable Link: Moving Forward”. This report introduced...

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In 2023, Safic-Alcan’s 35 global offices and its 809 staff (59% of whom are women), generated EUR 910 million in turnover.

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ChemSpec, a member of Safic-Alcan, achieves ISO Certification with Flawless Audit Results

ChemSpec NA, a proud member of Safic-Alcan, has recently undergone a rigorous ISO 9001 audit and emerged with a flawless result - zero findings of non-conformance. This achievement stands as a...

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Evonik & Safic-Alcan : a dynamic partnership in the coatings industry

In the fast-moving world of chemical innovation and industrial solutions, strategic partnerships are often the source of revolutionary breakthroughs. The lasting alliance between Evonik Operations...

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Safic-Alcan’s ESG progress recognized by ESG assessment providers

01st February, 2022

Since 2018, Safic-Alcan, a major distributor of specialty chemicals and ingredients, has developed a growth strategy using sustainable development as the engine for...

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