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Safic-Alcan Cesko s.r.o.

Markets Covered

Safic-Alcan Cesko has been established in 2006 by acquisition of Hubron Speciality Products, s.r.o and is distributing now a wide range of specialty chemicals from state-of-the-art manufacturers around the world.  

Historical leader on the rubber market, Safic-Alcan Cesko has expanded dramatically over the years to cover such markets as coatings & construction, adhesives, thermoplastics, polyurethane, home care, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.  

In Safic-Alcan we believe in cooperation and mutual growth with our business partners. We always try to provide something more than just materials. We share knowledge, provide support with finding the right solutions for often specific needs, whether you are a big company or a small starting business.


Our Certifications & Documents :

ISO 9001 – CQS             English 


ISO 9001 – CQS             Czech 


ISO 9001 – IQN              English 


ISO 9001                        Czech 


ISO 9001                       English 

Countries Covered

  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia

Markets Covered

  • picto

    +420 511 110 150

  • picto

    Jamborova 32, 615 00 Brno , Czechia (View on map)

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